Fundamental Theology

Pages: 506
Size: 6 x 9
ISBN: 978-1-890177-24-9
Binding: Hardcover


This book presents an analysis of various schools of theology, utilizing recent papal and Magisterial documents to present a thorough study of fundamental theology. Intended for classrooms or seminaries, this text is also perfect for anyone interested to pursue a deeper understanding of Divine Revelation and the Catholic Faith.

From the Prologue:

“We are pleased to present this revised edition of Revelation, Faith, and Credibility which was first published in 1998. . . .

“We renew our desire that it will be useful for students of theology and for all those who are interested in studying the fundamentals of the Catholic Faith. Furthermore, it is our hope that it will lead the reader to a profound Christian awareness that cooperates with the grace of God in sustaining the Faith, lends reason to our hope, and helps others to receive this great gift of knowing and loving Christ.”

Very good, modern theology!


This book is rich in Scriptural references and citations from early Church Fathers to St. John Paul II. The authors offer their expertise, linking Scriptural interpretation to fundamental theology. An excellent connection is made to the establishment of the Catholic Church and apologetics. Suited for college-level study and above, with huge section of Endnotes and Bibliography. Kudos!

Thomas W.

In-depth analysis.


“Fundamental Theology makes an in-depth analysis of the different schools of theology current in the Church today, as well as the more recent papal documents, including Jesus of Nazareth and Dominus Iesus, and through this analysis presents a thorough study of fundamental theology as taught by the Catholic Church.”- Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I.Archbishop of Chicago


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